Sunday, December 18, 2011

So, what's on my mind at the moment...

If many of you don’t follow politics, as most Americans don’t, then I wouldn’t be surprised if you haven’t heard of the recent pass of the SOPA and NDAA bills.

The NDAA bill is the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, and SOPA is the Stop Online Piracy Act. You should, basically, consider this to be the end of your unlimited freedom of speech, and your torrenting of movies, games, and pretty much all software and content available online for free.

Some people argue that these new acts completely violate our 1st amendment rights. I don’t know how to feel about this statement, but I understand the concern for it.

Firstly, I think that SOPA is actually a good thing.


The entertainment industry has been making less and less money through the years, mainly due to all the torrenting that has been occurring. With this act, they can begin to earn that money back. More money, more jobs in the industry, and a more affluent area will begin to emerge surrounding Hollywood and Southern California. This is great for me, since I plan to go to college in that area (more jobs!) and possibly live there in the future.

Secondly, the NDAA opens the door for a more oppressive government, yet it is just like the Patriot Act (recently rejected) and most likely won’t do anything to the public.

OKAY, yes I understand that the thought police can now break down your door and take you away at their
discretion. But this isn’t bad…at least it shouldn’t be.

With Congress’s disapproval rating of 9%, and the current economic status of the US being on the verge of falling back into a recession (or even depression), I’m sure the government wouldn’t start arresting the citizens they don’t like. Do you know how much backlash there would be? Congress would be wiped out in an instant, and we would easily see a transfer of people coming in and moving out of government positions.

AND, on top of that, the thought of our government becoming instantly oppressive and controlling of it’s citizens is an extremist view.

There are a LOT of extremes out there.

Left and right, we see Libertarians and Communists (not saying that either are bad). We have Atheists and Fundamentalists. It’s human nature to be opinionated, and take a stance on each of the things we witness; we always constantly make opinions and conclusions about various things.

That being said, the idea of the NDAA being used freely is ridiculous.

I don’t think I have to go any further.
“The first step, before anybody else in the world believes it, is you have to believe it. There’s no reason to have a plan B because it distracts from plan A”
                                                                                                   -Ronnie Coleman

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